
Dream Believe Become Boxing Gym is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 2007 by four students of North Shore Boxing Club’s Mateen Ahmad and Edwyn Ford.  Since then, a staff of dedicated volunteer trainers has worked with over 500 children and teens to provide a safe, fun, and productive environment in which students learn to set goals, believe in themselves, and achieve their dreams through athletics.

At our Waukegan, Illinois, headquarters we offer a variety of classes to meet the needs of our diverse community.  Our students learn proper boxing techniques, run drills, and condition their bodies to stay healthy and active. For those fighters who develop a passion for the sport and want to test their skills, we offer the opportunity to compete in amateur tournaments throughout the nation. Based on demand in our community, we have also started offering evening hours of open gym use and adult instruction.

At DBB, we believe boxing teaches discipline, dedication, mental and physical conditioning, and the ability to react quickly to changing situations. In short, boxing offers tools that go beyond the ring and into every facet of our lives.